Tenders/Request for Proposals

Cemetery Maintenance Contract Invitation to Bid

The Town of Oxbow is inviting tenders for regular maintenance services to the Oxbow Cemetery on a contractual basis. The contract period will be May 1 through September 30, 2025, or as long as may be required based on weather conditions. This contract may include a one (1) year renewable option.

Duties to Include:

  • Spring turf maintenance – Dethatching, raking, aeration, application of extended-release rate, higher ratio nitrogen fertilizer
  • Fall turf maintenance – application of high potassium ration fertilizer
  • Cutting/trimming/seeding grass
  • Tree/hedge trimming
  • Grounds keeping duties – lifting/straightening sunken gravestones markers/headstones.
  • Removing old debris
  • Maintenance of fencing around the Cemetery
  • Weed spraying
  • General cleanup and beautification

Scope of Work:

The successful bidder will be required to:

  • Supply all manpower and equipment to maintain the cemetery.
  • Possess a Pesticide Applicator Licence (preference will be given to those that hold a licence).
  • Provide proof of liability insurance coverage in the amount of at least $2,000,000.
  • Ensure that any staff are fully trained and supplied with appropriate safety equipment to meet Occupational Health and Safety requirements.
  • Ensure that all machinery used meets the safety requirements defined by Occupational Health and Safety.
  • Provide a clearance letter from Worker’s Compensation, if applicable.

Tender should include total price of the job per month.

Tenders may be delivered to the Town of Oxbow, sealed, and marked CEMETERY MAINTENANCE TENDER on or before April 17, 2025, at 4:00 pm.

In-Person: 319 Main Street, Oxbow SK
Email: administrator@oxbow.ca (please direct all questions to this address)
Mail: Box 149, Oxbow SK, S0C 2B0

Prospective Bidders are invited to contact the town office with any questions, concerns or to schedule a walk-through of the cemetery grounds. The Town of Oxbow is not required to accept the lowest or any bidder.

Submit bids to:

Brandi Morissette, CAO
Town of Oxbow
319 Main Street, P.O. Box 149
Oxbow, SK S0C 2B0 administrator@oxbow.ca

To download please click CEMETERY MAINTENANCE TENDER